Club Hire – Terms

  • The rate for hire of the clubhouse is £20 an hour or part hour. The Bar hire is £25 an hour or part hour.
  • If you wish to prepare your own food you may do so. Use of the Kitchen has an additional cost of £100 if the appliance and extractors etc are used.
  • Setting and clearing up time forms part of the hire and will be charged accordingly.
  • The club does not hire out the clubhouse on Saturdays during the rugby season. The season normally runs from the September to May.
  • Equally no Sunday bookings prior to 3.00pm are taken during the rugby season.
  • Full payment must be made in respect of the club hire 7 days prior to the commencement of the hire.

Conditions Of Hire

Please ensure these conditions are read before signing.

1. Use Of The Clubroom

Use of the club and its facilities is subject to the following rules, and forms part of the hire agreement.
a) The club will NOT accept bookings for 18th birthday parties or similar
b) The Hirer shall be responsible for the maintenance of good order and behaviour during the period of hire.
c) With the exception of a special licence no drinks are to be taken or consumed outside the club premises
d) The premises shall not be used for any purposes other than that for which permission has been granted.
e) The Hirer shall not sublet or use the premises for any unlawful purposes or in any unlawful way nor do anything, nor bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the premises, the users or any insurance policies relating thereto.
f) Furniture may be moved however it must be returned to its original location at the end of the hire.
g) Hirers are responsible for seeing that the noise level of their function is not such as to interfere with or cause inconvenience for the occupiers of nearby houses and property.
To this end we only allow bands and discos to perform inside the clubhouse
h) All entertainment to be turned down at 11.00pm
i) Entertainment to finish & Last orders at 11.30pm.
j) All guests are to be away from the club by 11.45pm (charge will be to midnight or when you finish clearing up)
k) Cars shall not be parked so as to cause an obstruction at the entrance to, or exits from, the Club.
l) Hirers of the Club should avoid undue noise on arrival and departure.

2. Insurance

a) The Club’s insurance concerns its own liabilities and its’ members & Guests only. Where damage of any kind (except that caused by accidental fire) is sustained to the premises, fixtures, furniture and any other chattels therein arising out of or in connection with the hire, the Hirer shall recompense the Club for any costs incurred to repair, reinstate or replace. If the costs of such compensation are greater than the security deposit paid, then the Hirer will be held fully liable for reasonable additional payment due to Club in this regard. By signature of this agreement the Hirer agrees to be fully bound to this liability.
b) Hirer must provide the club with a copy of the public indemnity insurance in respect of any bouncy castle or any similar form of outside entertainment.
c) Such entertainment must policed by a suitable responsible adult at all times

3. Payment

A 50% Deposit required 7 Days from receipt of booking confirmation.
Balance 7 days before date of Event
Failure to make payment will render the booking agreement invalid.

4. Cleaning

All use of the Club premises and facilities is subject to the Hirer accepting responsibility for returning furniture to its original position, and for sweeping of all floors and removal of all rubbish. All Hirers shall leave the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition. A clear up fee of £50 or £100 is offered at time of booking.

5. Drinking

a) No persons under the age of 18 years will be served or permitted to consume alcohol on the premises
b) Only drinks purchased at the bar may be consumed on the premises, unless a corkage charge has been paid

6. Safety Requirements

A current Club Director or Director nominated representative will be in attendance for the duration of the function when the bar is in use, and will be responsible for overseeing the event.
Their role will be to generally ensure the rights and needs of our neighbours are respected, that the guests behave in a safe and responsible manner, and that the conditions of the hire are adhered to.
Should the attending Director (or nominated representative) believe that there has been a serious breach of the conditions of hire, and the hirer does not take swift and supporting action to rectify the matter, the Director or their nominated representative may, at their sole discretion, immediately terminate the hire of the clubhouse.
Their decision in this respect will be full and final, and in such circumstances, the hirer will not have any claim against the club for any loss or inconvenience.
Nothing shall be done which will endanger the users of the building, and the policies of insurance relating to it and to its contents. In particular the following shall apply:
a) Obstructions must not be placed in gang-ways, or exits, which must be immediately available for free public access.
b) Fire-fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its intended purpose.
c) Highly flammable substances shall not be brought into nor used in any part of the premises. No internal decorations of a combustible nature (e.g. polystyrene, cotton etc) shall be undertaken or erected without the consent of the Club.
d) It is the responsibility of the Hirer to ensure that all necessary precautions are in place and only fit and proper persons are in attendance when young children are on the premises.
e) The Club cannot accept responsibility for damage to, or the loss or theft of, Hirers or their guests property and effects.

7. Cancellations

Up until 28 days before event, a full deposit will be refunded. From 28 days to 7 days before event 75% deposit will be refunded. Less than 7 days before the event 50% of deposit will be refunded.

I have read the Conditions of Hire and agree to these conditions.




The Pavilion on the Drill Field,
The Drill Field,
Canada Road,
CT14 7EQ

© 2025 Deal & Betteshanger RFC